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Home Joomla development How to use the REMOSITORY's quickdown plugin in joomla1.5

How to use the REMOSITORY's quickdown plugin in joomla1.5

   Remository is a highly capable file repository for use within one of the supported CMSs (Content Management Systems - currently Joomla! or Mambo or Aliro). It can organise files into folders (described in the system using the generic word "containers") that can be nested to an arbitrary depth. Files can be uploaded or downloaded by site visitors, subject to constraints configured by the site administrator. is use this component for download files,but there are blank content when i use the lastest editon plugin -- "quickdown"  in the joomla1.5, so i check those files of Remository's quickdown plugin,i found that the core codes out of time,then i chang the core file as follow(plugins\content\quickdown.php):

ERROR [include_code_listing plugin]: File Not Found ( /display codes/quickdown.txt)

test it ok now!



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Virtuemart Upload Component

Upload Images and Files with your order in Virtuemart - VMUpload is a versatile plugin to the core application Virtuemart that allows for a customer to upload files to their order based on parameters established by the site administrator. it include a Joomla component and a Virtuemart patch.

Feature Summary


  • Upload and bind the files to a order
  • Ability to add more upload fields as needed
  • Secure client folder created as upload destination (folder name defined by username)
  • Create the thumbnail image automatically if the uploaded file is picture
  • Integrate with an image gallery for photos, show upload picture with lightbox
  • CSS friendly coding; Multi-language compatible (English native)


  • Check the uploaded files based on client orders
  • Download uploaded files from orders
  • Config number of maximum Files to upload
  • Config Maximum files size
  • Config upload file folder
  • Choice of acceptable file types
  • Creation of thumbnail image to defined size
  • Manage the uploaded files