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JoomlaVMDL-Excel data import tool for Virtuemart

JoomlaVMDL-This tool is used to quickly import Virtuemart product data with Excel files, users only needs to  editor the excel file's data, then use this tool  to import a large amount of product data immediately, it will use the excel date to generat product category and product's detail data automatically.

How to Use it:
1. develop the tool by java, so users must have jre environment.
2. unzip the zip file,and edit ""  file, fill in the correct database information, to replace, xxxx, xxxx text.
3. the Excel file: productlist.xls, fill your product data into it. Attention, Do not modify the first row of the excel file.
4. Run the program - "Run.bat", finish import excel data into Virtuemart!


How to develop a shipping module for virtuemart

  The following is a list of all methods that must be implemented by a shipping module’s class file.

string list_rates( Array $d )
Lists all available shipping rates.

Attention : The array $d contains the values for the cart total weight ($d['weight']) and the ID for the shipping address the user has selected ($d['ship_to_info_id']). The ship_to_info_id refers to the field user_info_id in the tables jos_users OR jos_vm_user_info. Check both for a matching entry!
float get_rate( Array $d )
Returns the amount for the selected shipping rate by analyzing the parameter shipping_rate_id.
float get_tax_rate( Array $d )
Returns the tax rate for this shipping module (e.g. 0.19).
boolean validate( Array $d )
Validates the value for the parameter shipping_rate_id usually using isset( $_SESSION[$shipping_rate_id] ). Assumes you have set the value in the function list_rates for each returned shipping rate.


How to develop a payment module for virtuemart

   The following is a list of all methods that must be implemented in a payment module's class file.

string show_configuration( void )
Shows the configuration form for this payment module in the payment method form.
boolean has_configuration( void )
returns true if the payment module can be configured, false if not
boolean configfile_writeable( void )
returns true if the configuration file for that payment module is writeable, false if not
boolean configfile_readable( void )
returns true if the configuration file for that payment module is readable, false if not
void write_configuration( Array )
stores all configuration values for this payment module in the configuration file.
boolean process_payment(String $order_number, Float $order_total, Array &$d)
This is the main function for all payment modules that use direct connections to a payment gateway (like or eWay XML). This is the place, where the payment details are validated and captured on success. Returns true on sucess, false on failure.
float get_payment_rate(Float $subtotal)
This is the function to calculate the fee / discount for this special payment module (so you can calculate a fee, depending on the order total amount).


How to Upload / import of customer details for Virtuemart?

  I had to migrate users from old e-shop into VirtueMart. After short research on web I found tool for import Joomla users (userport, author: Parvus) but no one for VM.
After another research I found tables which must be filled, but also with main problem: How to generate "user_info_id", solved by this function:
md5( date_format( date_add( sysdate( ) , INTERVAL FLOOR( 1 + ( RAND( ) *998 ) ) MICROSECOND ) , "%Y%m%d%H%i%s%f" )

My “quickly prepared” solution use several steps and tools described below:
1) Joomla component – userport
2) MS Excel tool for user import from any user list source
3) MS Access query – for extract new user only (not assigned to VM shopper groups)
4) MS Excel tool for bulk MySQL query


How to config or hack the display of Tax in Cart.

Config : It is under shopper groups.  In the back end under Shopper click on List Shopper Groups.  Then click on the shopper group or groups that are published.  Uncheck the option to "Show Prices including tax"

Hack : Change two files

1.Change the following code from "components\com_virtuemart\themes\default\templates\basket" :- in line 72-77

ERROR [include_code_listing plugin]: File Not Found (C:/Inetpub/vhosts/ codes/tax1.txt)

2.Change the following code from "ro_basket.php"

ERROR [include_code_listing plugin]: File Not Found (C:/Inetpub/vhosts/ codes/tax2.txt)

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VMDL importing data instantly

(We just release a new version for Virtuemart 2.0 and Joomla 1.6/1.7 , Please check it here :VMDL for VM2.0 and Joomla 1.6/joomla 1.7)

Vmdl tool allows users to easily create virtuemart product item from data stored in excel and CSV files. When used with vmdl , the powerful functions and cutomer service that also allows for the creation of more complex structured product items,include all of attributes and product types,vmdl allows for the easy transfer of data from excel file into your virtuemart product catalogues, product listings, price listings, and more. With or without vmdl, products input is an essential time-saving tool for any Joomla and Virtuemart site. this new edtion is integrated into the VM backend,more convenient to use,less steps,adding check module,and more quick loading.

Feature Summary

  • Import format CSV file, regardless of size
  • auto-creates categories and auto-creating product item, then auto-loading product detail
  • Support remote host data loading,help you create data anywhere
  • help Service —Help clients use this tool and fill the excel file correctly at first time