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Home virtuemart payment Cyber Payment module for France

Cyber Payment module for France

Cyber Payment is the payment module for the French banks Banque Populaire de Lorraine and Champagne. easily config and use , not need cgi program on the host, the simple install steps are on the follows:

Installation files VirtueMart
Copy files
and ps_cyberpayment.php
/ administrator / components / com_virtuemart / classes / payment /

/ administrator / components / com_virtuemart / html

Create a new folder cyberpayment under
/ administrator / components / com_virtuemart / html

/ administrator / components / com_virtuemart / html / cyberpayment / languages 

 Download cyber_payment
File Title:cyber_payment
File Type:zip
File Version:
File Size:19.05 Kb
File Author:cyber
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Configuring the payment on admin
1. Add a new Payment?
2. Complete the fields
a. Name  of payment: (Choose a name)
b. Code: (Choose a name)
c. Payment Class Name: ps_cyber
d. Type of payment: PayPal or related 

3. Save

4. Browse  Payment list And select the one you just create.

5. Go the tab of Configuration and complete  the parameters of your contract

  In the field of Extra Payment Info, add :

6. Save

Test payments on the test server: use a real credit card.


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Virtuemart Upload Component

Upload Images and Files with your order in Virtuemart - VMUpload is a versatile plugin to the core application Virtuemart that allows for a customer to upload files to their order based on parameters established by the site administrator. it include a Joomla component and a Virtuemart patch.

Feature Summary


  • Upload and bind the files to a order
  • Ability to add more upload fields as needed
  • Secure client folder created as upload destination (folder name defined by username)
  • Create the thumbnail image automatically if the uploaded file is picture
  • Integrate with an image gallery for photos, show upload picture with lightbox
  • CSS friendly coding; Multi-language compatible (English native)


  • Check the uploaded files based on client orders
  • Download uploaded files from orders
  • Config number of maximum Files to upload
  • Config Maximum files size
  • Config upload file folder
  • Choice of acceptable file types
  • Creation of thumbnail image to defined size
  • Manage the uploaded files